Once you start working with us, an engineering professional be assigned to manage
your project, but rest assured that our whole team will be closely overlooking and providing support.

Eng. Jose M. Acosta Ojeda, PE

President of APPLIED ENGINEERING GROUP and Operations Manager


  • Lead of engineering and sales - by skillfully combining his education and vast experience in engineering with innately acquired business skill he is able to offer clients top notch services that are also cost effective
  • Head of new business and client relations – as a client he will be available to you 24/7. We have built our network of clients on trust, recommendations and results. Our list of happy and trusting clients gives testament to this.
  • Project overview and supervision – no matter how big or small of a project, Acosta will be involved in it. He will personally overlook every aspect of a build, maintenance and remodeling project to make sure all decision are made sure all the decision.

Years of Experience:

20 as a Professional Engineer  - Lic. Num. 17674

What You Should Know About Him:

  • Phi Delta Gamma Member since 1994
  • Soul Surfer


Eng. Vilma Pereira, PE

Partner and Senior Automation & Maintenance Consultant



  • In charge of business operations, finance and team supervision – she is one of the pillars of our operation
  • Lead of automation, computer system validation (CSV), control systems and maintenance – leading the design, programing, testing and simulations of automated machinery and processes
  • Project management and consulting of utility systems – she keeps every project running smoothly
  • Overlooks legal compliance – her experience makes her an invaluable asset to every any project, especially highly regulated ones

Years of Experience:

19 years as licensed professional engineer

What You Should Know About Her:

  • Family time her my favorite time
  • When she’s not working, you can find her at the beach



Eng. Jorge Pereira, PE

Director of the Engineering Department


  • Senior consultant - electricity is one of his specialties
  • Overlooks project design, design in Power, communications and automation
  • Electric circuits, circuits and valves, programing, automation and communications
  • Third party supervision
  • Currently involved in Section 504 projects
  • Installation and design of photovoltaic systems

Years Of Experience:

What You Should Know About Him:

  • Astronomy enthusiast
  • Amateour radio (KP4FAK).


Eng. Jennifer Aguilar

Project Development and Management/Novateq Representative


  • Project developer and team manager – highly experienced in managing multiple complex projects simultaneously and engineering teams report to her on a regular basis
  • Main aide to top management – she is the management’s right hand. Overlooks all project development and guarantees every little detail is well taken care of.
  • Sales - works hand in hand with Eng. Acosta to assure clients quality, cost effectiveness and top-notch service.

Years Of Experience:

10 years

What You Should Know About Her

  • Loves going to the beach
  • Long walks with her Yorkshire Terrier are a daily must




Eng. Luis Ortiz, E.I.T.

Maintenance Supervisor and Field Engineering


  • Civil engineer and inspections expert
  • Maintenance supervisor
  • Project management
  • Certified for asbestos inspection, removal management and certification

Years of Experience:

What You Should Know About Him

  • EIT
  • OSHA - 30 Hours
  • Enjoys sports and local tourism




We also rely on a solid network of over 10 professional consultants in the areas of engineering services and inspections, that we activate according to the demands of each particular project and are located island wide.